The classes are usually all becoming well. First, I want to admit I did not care much for Torchlight I and simply couldn't get into it. Werewolves, for example, now reach their full potential at level 74, and if Tenebris and Synergies are in the wrong order you are going to lose it. Torchlight II has four all new classes to play. Inflicts 50% of Weapon DPS as Fire Damage. Action-Packed Multiplayer Play co-op with up to 4 players online. Torchlight II is fast, fun, and filled to the brim with action and loot. Shield Bash and Fire Bash are your main damage dealing active skill. Over a dozen effective character builds are possible in Torchlight 2. By default, Torchlight 2 only allows you to respec your last three skill points (at a steep cost). Torchlight returns! Torchlight 2 Class Builds and Character Progression Guide. Mods are absolutely free and all that is required from the. Thats why we shared the mod-packs for Torchlight 2 rather than mods in those packs. #6 Synergies MOD Now here we are, the Synergies Mod! Each of the four classes has three skill trees unique to them.

The number will be different from person to person, the point is that it is a string of numbers. Legendary items are usually weapons or shields. Each has its own unique playstyle and key advantages to dominate in combat. They add new content to the game (classes, pets, new locations), improve various aspects of the game (such as graphics) and change the balance. It adds new classes, new dungeons, a huge number of new bosses, and rebalancing the difficulty of the game to make it more challenging and more unforgiving. Originally those two classes (myrmidon and ninja) were created by epoch, while Synergies is mostly created by Silan (or something like that), with release of GUTS, changes.