You can only obtain the set skills if you specialize in this tree. These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Cleansing Flame (red) trait tree. These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Benediction of Peace (blue) trait tree. Some skills may also be replaced by an improved version of the same skill as you increase in level. The effects of many of these skills are improved in various ways by your choice of specialization and how you spend your trait points. These skills are granted automatically as you gain levels.

New Rune-keepers receive a copy of the Rune-keeper - Attunement document, which discusses some aspects of the attunement mechanism. Attunement resets while out-of-combat, and there are several skills/consumables available that make it easier to switch attunement (and temporarily open skills from the opposite attunement). Players choose their role via a new "Attunement Meter" that provides bonuses to healing skills while removing access to damage skills and vice-versa, depending on the current role the Rune-keeper is being asked to fulfil. In pure game dynamics, Steefel (former Executive Producer) said that the Rune-keeper is ".a third light armor class that offers viable healing or DPS alternatives." True to the game's "hybrid class" design philosophy, the Rune-keeper compares well to the primary healing class (Minstrel) by utilizing heals-over-time, and focuses its DPS capabilities by the application of powerful, stackable damage-over-time effects. The Rune-keeper, on the other hand, actually taps into the primal physics-altering powers of creation through "true names." It's the same kind of power (though to a far, far lesser degree) as that tapped into by powerful elves like Galadriel and Celebrimbor (who serve as the model for the class). In short, the class is more of a combat chemist than a true magician. In lore terms, the Rune-keeper marks the game's first true "magic user." The Lore-master class had their powers explained as the harnessing of the traditional powers of nature - calling down lightning, using water to make foes stick in the mud, or throwing a fireball made from a chemical concoction.